ENCS Announcements

for the week of 05/06/24

God has created each person with a unique purpose and design, and it is important for us to believe and embrace this truth, tearing down the lies and strongholds that hinder us from walking in our original design.

Let us seek to discover and embrace our unique design by seeking God's guidance, testing the prophetic words we receive, and dismantling any lies or strongholds that hinder us from walking in our purpose.


Are there areas in your life where you feel stuck spiritually, emotionally, or mentally and you wonder how can I find freedom or a real breakthrough? We have all been there and we are here to help you discover the true foundations to walk in freedom. Join us on the journey to walk in the freedom Jesus makes possible!

Beginning THIS WEDNESDAY and for the remainder of our Life of Freedom study, we are hosting prayer workshops every Wednesday at the Hub, 6:30 pm. The workshops will be taking the topics discussed on Sundays deeper through activities and prayer ministry.