As you may be aware, we have some important updates about our gathering space in the U-District.

Good news is that our roof has been replaced, which we are excited about.

The bad news is that last week, it rained during the night and the roof hadn’t been secured or covered properly. Roof water dropped down into our space, affecting the worship space, tech gear, our nursery and carpet upstairs.

We are excited and grateful to announce that our Hub is in the process of being cleaned and fixed up! Our landlords and teams have been hard at work cleaning the areas & items affected by the flood.

We will NOT be meeting on Sunday, Sept 22. We are taking the time to get our Hub ready for gatherings and resetting the space to what it was.
As we are in our study, The Call to Spiritual Friendship, we invite you to practice what we’re learning by being in community this Sunday - have a meal together, go to a park, hang out and have fun!

Our Hub will reopen on Sunday, Sept 29! We will resume our worship gatherings at 9:30 am and 11:45 am.

We look forward to being back together again!


We are an intercultural, intergenerational family on mission.


Due to flooding in our gathering space, we are not meeting on Sept 22. 
Our Hub will reopen on Sunday, Sept 29! We will resume our worship gatherings at 9:30 am and 11:45 am. We look forward to being back together again!


The Call to Spiritual Friendship

We are called to be disciples of Jesus who make disciples. This means that we are actively walking with others in order to follow Jesus, build friendships, and image Jesus in everyday life.

Join us as we learn the heart & model of Jesus’ discipleship through our September sermon study: The Call to Spiritual Friendship!


Children are a special gift from God – each one uniquely created by Him. We consider it our privilege to be able to build relationships with the children and share with them the love of their Creator each week. We want our kids to know that this is a safe place for us to worship together, learn and ask questions, and be a Family on Mission.

We offer Kids Church classes at both gatherings.