How can we become discerning Christians?

On Sunday, Pastor Perry and Brian explored Revelation 17, a passage that unveils the fleeting nature of earthly powers and the ultimate reign of Christ. In a world filled with chaos, deception, and shifting allegiances, how can we, as believers, develop discernment?

They shared thought-provoking questions to help us evaluate whether a political entity, party, or policy aligns with God's ways. By seeking God's wisdom and holding everything against the truth of His Word, we can navigate the complexities of our time with clarity and conviction.

Below are some key prompts for reflection:
  • Justice and Fairness: How does this party advocate for justice and fairness for all people, especially the marginalized and vulnerable? Or does the new law or rule make life much harder for some people groups?
  • Respect for Human Dignity: Does this entity uphold the dignity of every human being, from conception to natural death?
  • Stewardship of Creation: What are the policies and practices regarding the environment and the responsible stewardship of God's creation?
  • Peacemaking and Reconciliation: How does this party promote peace, reconciliation, and unity within communities and across nations?
  • Truth and Integrity: Are the leaders and policies of this entity characterized by honesty, transparency, and integrity?
  • Compassion and Care: Does this political group prioritize caring for the poor, sick, and marginalized as Jesus taught?
  • Humility and Servant Leadership: Do the leaders demonstrate humility and a commitment to servant leadership rather than self-interest?
  • Family and Community: How does this party support strong families and communities based on Biblical principles of love, respect, and mutual support?