Below is a list of questions to be asked that will cover the basic Christian life.
The idea is whoever is leading that moment will ask one question per week and let each person share how they are really doing in this area. You typically will only tackle one question per meeting because the goal is conversation. You can rotate between the questions from week to week.
These are just prompts for conversation, and other questions can be added. During this time, we want to be good listeners, and ask any clarifying questions so that we understand what our brother or sister is going through.
- How is your relationship with God? How is your soul? Where do you need Jesus most? What has God been teaching you recently? What struggles are they facing?
- How is your relationship with your spouse? Roommates?
- How is your relationship with your children?
- How is your relationship with your work?
- How is your witness? Who are you engaging with the gospel? How is that going?
- How are you stewarding God’s resources? Finances?
- How is your ministry?
Additional questions that can help foster relationship growth:
- What is one of your front burner issues right now?
- How do you handle confrontations?
- How would someone know when you are angry?
- How do you best receive love? What is your love language?
- What is something good in your life right now and why is it good?
- Are you running towards God, standing still, or running away from God? Explain
- What would you most want prayer for in your life?
- What is the most recent major change in your life and how has this change affected you?