Leadership at ENCS

Please read the following.

How do we behave as leaders @ ENCS?

As servant leaders in ENCS, we commit ourselves to these values in how we will act as we carry out our ministry to the body of Christ.  

Empowerment of the Holy Spirit

We love the Holy Spirit and live in dependence on Him day by day and moment by moment for spiritual fruitfulness and faithfulness. We listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit by praying first and we walk with the Holy Spirit exemplifying the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. We use our spiritual gifts to serve others and encourage others to use their gifts for the glory of God and the good of others.

Biblical Truth

We love, trust and follow Jesus by listening to and obeying God's word in everything it speaks about. We give others God's word and not our opinion. We read, meditate upon and pray God's Word daily, hiding it in our heart so that we may be careful to do everything it says. We teach others to obey. We choose to image God by living a Biblically transformed life exemplified by truth, repentance, and faith. 

Relationally Healthy Discipleship

We love because Jesus first loved us. It is therefore, out of His love for us, that we love each other and image God the Father to one another. In this way we always treat others as image bearers of God with value and dignity. We seek to create relational connections and environments, reconcile people to God and each other, and restore others with the Gospel. We choose to keep relationships above problems and show we care by being thoughtful and intentional with our words and actions. We embrace emotionally healthy spirituality and use emotionally healthy skills in communication and conflict resolution.  (Matthew 18)


We love the humility of Jesus and seek to image Him in all that we do by walking in the humility that comes from wisdom and prefer others above ourselves. We will listen to each other's feedback and graciously seek to grow through it. Rather than praise ourselves, we seek to praise and lift up others. (James 3:13, Phil. 2)


We love obeying Jesus in all that He asks us to do. We therefore seek to listen to His spirit and be courageous to take risks. We will dare to do new things in order to reach people with the gospel, and give ourselves permission to experiment, try new things, and make mistakes. We are willing to fail as long as we obey Jesus, and will leave the results up to Him.


We love doing church as a team and believe we are better together. In every ministry, we seek to build circles of support and strength with different giftings, personalities, ethnicities, ages, and gender. Therefore, we reject superman syndrome where one person is meant to have it all; we choose to work in teams and embrace interdependence.

ENCS Leadership Agreement

1. In Acts 15:11 the apostles declared, "We believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved."
Having repented of your sin and having been baptized in water, have you placed your entire trust in Christ alone for your salvation, and fully dedicate your life to Him and to be His disciple?

2. Jesus said in Matthew 28:19, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations."
Do you believe that you are personally responsible and are willing to play your part in growing as a disciple and in helping disciple others to maturity?

3. The New Testament Church in Acts 2:42 "devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching."
Do you agree to obey the New Testament standards of belief and practice?

4. Acts 2:42-45 states that the Early Church also "devoted themselves...to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer," and that "all the believers were together" and that "they gave to anyone as he had need."
Do you agree to commit yourself to support this church and its brothers and sisters, with your prayers, financial tithes & offerings, participatory attendance, and active involvement?

5. Hebrews 13:17 tells us to, "Obey your leaders and submit to their authority. They keep watch over you as men who must give an account. Obey them so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you."
Do you understand the importance of church authority and order, and commit yourself to avoid all strife and backbiting, and to maintain the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace?

6. 1 Corinthians 1:10 urges all of us to "agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may perfectly united in mind and thought." while Philippians 2:2 urges us to be "one in spirit and purpose."
Do you agree to support the mission, vision, values, beliefs, and discipleship process of this church as stated in the leadership agreement?

Leadership Agreement Form

If you have read and agree with the words of this agreement, you understand your responsibilities as a leader, and you believe God is placing you as a leader in this church, please confirm your agreement by signing below.