Leaving Well

Some people are called to belong at Every Nation for a season, some perhaps for years, or some for a lifetime.

No matter how long you are called to belong here, we want you to know that there are healthy ways to leave when God calls you to do so.

We ask that every person walk through this healthy relational approach to leaving in order to leave well.  


When an individual or family begins to question if they should leave ENCS, the leadership of ENCS desires to have the opportunity to talk with the individual/family to discuss options. It is best if the discussion is well in advance of any changes. Open communication is important in these kinds of situations.


The leadership of ENCS as well as the individual/family will commit to praying about the possible change and seek God's heart. Questions to ask at this time can be along the lines of:
  • Why are we doing this?
  • Where are we going?
  • To what Kingdom purpose is this move directed?
  • What things would we be exchanging if we changed churches? What new blessings and potential problems or challenges would be involved?

These are all very challenging questions that the Lord can use to unearth possible pain or clarify motives. We encourage you to journal and process what you are sensing as you prayerfully ponder these things.


Explore if there are any unresolved issues that may be present. E.g.,
  • Are there any offenses between you and another member, attender, or leader?
  • Are there significant doctrinal differences?
  • Are there leadership decisions or actions that upset you or with which you disagree?
  • Is there any evidence of running from an issue?

Some guiding texts to consider are:
  • It is to one's glory to overlook an offense. (Prov. 19:11)
  • If it is possible, as fas as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. (Rom. 12:18)
  • And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins. (Mark 11:25-26)


We value every opportunity to maintain the unity in the Body of Christ (Eph. 4:3). 
Some questions to consider are:
  • What are we going to say when others ask us why the move was necessary? Consider how you might answer this to both close friends in the church, as well as acquaintances.
  • If there are areas of disagreement, what are we going to say?
  • How can the sending become a blessing to the Body of Christ?


We would value the opportunity to pray for you and send you out with a blessing. Some situations warrant a public forum, but most will take place in a private setting. Our goal is to be "Kingdom minded” and not merely focused on ENCS. By releasing you into another church family, everyone can win while the Kingdom expands.