Freedom Prayer Guide

It is ideal to pray with your Prayer Partner a few minutes beforehand, submitting yourselves to God, asking Him to fill You, and casting all your cares on Him (1 Peter 5:7)

Note: Refer to your pastor if the person you’re ministering to is: unstable or unsafe, beyond your competency, requiring medical attention, refusing to repent, or doing major illegal activities.

Let them know that anything said today will be held in utmost confidence, except in cases of harm to self or harm to others.

You pray to begin the ministry time: 
  • Pray: “Father, bless this time and guide us in ministering to __________ today."
  • Proclaim: “Lord Jesus, we acknowledge You are with us, and You are Lord over this time, our lives, and over everything we address today.” 
  • Prohibit: “We bind the enemy from all influence in this time and forbid him to manifest in any way.” 

They pray, submitting their lives to God, and asking Him to set them free from anything displeasing to Him.

  • Tell them you will facilitate the prayer time and your partner will be writing things down, but both will be interacting with them.  
  • In each section of prayer, I will lead you to quiet your heart and mind and relax. 
  • I will ask the Holy Spirit questions to guide you, and then we will listen to God's Spirit together. 
  • When I ask a question, I am going to wait about 30 sec and ask “What’s coming to mind?  
  • When I do, I want you to speak out the first thing that comes to mind (memory, thoughts, etc.) Don’t filter it or judge it.  We trust the Holy Spirit guides us into all the truth.

  • Ask: “What do you want the Lord to do for you today?”  or “What recurring pattern are you seeing in your life that you would like to bring to Jesus?” 
  • Clarify: “So you would like to …” (rephrase what you are hearing them say) 
  • Discover Key Time(s): “Holy Spirit, would you show them when ___(issue)___ first came against them?” 
    • You should also be listening to God, but seek to help them hear what God is saying to them. 
    • Note: if they aren’t hearing anything, ask the Holy Spirit, “What is making it hard for to hear you?”
    • Inquire: What happened? How did that impact you?
    • Name the issue:  __________________  

  • If you get stuck: sometimes we are not sure what to do next. Check in with your assistant to see what they are sensing. Sometimes it is helpful to pray out loud, "Lord, what do you want to do next?" Or, "Lord, how do you want to help (person) with this?"
  • Lies: Have them ask “Holy Spirit, what did the enemy tell me through that experience?” 
    • Sometimes it is helpful to ask in categories. E.g., Lies about:
      • …Myself 
      • …My relationships (e.g., marriage, fatherhood, etc.) 
      • …My view of God 
      • …My view of men/women 
      • …(Other) 
    • You can prompt, “What else?” until they are finished. 

  • Assignment: You ask, “Holy Spirit, what was the enemy’s goal through all of this?”

  • Truth: Have them ask, “Lord Jesus, would you please show me the truth (about me, this, about God, etc.)?” – “What else?”

Have the person replace lies with truth. Once the lies and sinful responses have been exposed and God's truth has been revealed, Repent for believing the lies and for your sinful choices, Receive God's forgiveness, Replace the lies/sin with God's truth, and Rebuke the enemy.
  • Repent: "Father, I repent for believing the lie that..."
  • Receive: "I receive Your forgiveness and cleansing for my sin..."
  • Replace: "And I choose to stand on Your Truth that says..."
  • Rebuke: "And I rebuke the devil from this area of my life..."

  • Inviting Jesus
  • Vows
  • Word curses (by self & others) 
  • Repentance for sins committed 
  • Forgiveness (others, God, self) 
  • Soul ties 
  • Pouring out emotions 
  • Generational curses 

  • Can ask, "On a scale of 1-10, how do you still feel?"
    • If it's not gone, have them ask, “Holy Spirit, why am I still feeling __________?” 
    • Continue to minister to memories that come up or other areas (forgiveness, etc.), if you have time. If you are out of time, seal the work the Lord has done. Discern next steps: (set up another time for ministry, entrust them to God, etc.). 

  • Healing: Ask to lay your hands on them, and YOU pray for healing and blessing for their mind, will, emotions.
  • Action Steps: You ask in prayer, “Father, is there anything You’re calling them to do to walk out their freedom in this area?” 
  • Changes: You ask, “As a result of this restoration, what changes will they see in their life?" 
  • They pray, thanking God for their freedom and committing to obedience. 
  • Bless: You pray God's blessing over their life and ask God to fill the areas of freedom.