Inviting Jesus into the Memory
When we experience hurt, we often believe that somehow God was not there, or did not care. It is profoundly healing to invite Jesus to come into painful memories and reveal Himself there.
- Have them ask, “Jesus, would you take me back to this memory?” (They may already be there). Ask them to see themselves in it, to feel it. Have them tell you when they are there.
- Have them invite Jesus to be with them, right in the middle of the memory, and tell you when they see or sense Him.
- Ask, “What is He doing?” Have them watch Him. Do not rush it. “Stay there with Him.” Give them time to be in this moment with Jesus. Be careful of interrupting or moving too quickly here.
- Be sensitive to questions the Holy Spirit may bring to your mind for them to ask. E.g., have them ask,
- “Jesus, will you bring Truth about this situation?”
- “Jesus, what are You thinking about me in this situation?
- “Jesus, what do You want to say to me?”
- “Do you have anything you want to ask Jesus?”
- Sometimes they won’t see Jesus, but He will show them a meaningful picture that speaks truth to them, or minister to their hearts in other ways.
- Note: If they can’t sense Jesus, ask the Lord what is blocking them from seeing Jesus. Most of the time there is other ministry that needs to happen first (e.g., deal with unforgiveness, or there are vows or curses that need to be broken).
- Something may come to mind. You can have them ask, “Jesus, what do you want to do to help me with this?”
- If a ‘false Jesus’ appears or speaks (e.g., an angry, or judgmental ‘Jesus’), have them command the false spirit to go. “We command the false Jesus to go and ask for the true Lord Jesus to come”.
- Trust the Holy Spirit to lead you in this and each area of freedom ministry!