Taking Thoughts Captive

Remember the snake in the Garden of Eden. Our enemy is constantly seeking to undermine God’s purposes in us. You might think you’re just having a bad day. Chances are, the enemy is coming against you in some way (1 Pet. 5:8, John 10:10). We are not to be unaware of his schemes (2 Cor. 2:11).

Ask God to show you what is coming against you or against God’s character (e.g., a negative emotion, attitude, temptation, lie, etc.), and use the spiritual weapons He has given you to take it captive and make it obedient to Christ (2 Cor. 10:3-5).

1. Ask “Lord, show me what is coming against me.” 

2. Ask “Lord, what is this trying to steal from me?” or “What lie is the enemy trying to tell me through this?” 

3. Take these thoughts captive. You may have several lies, feelings, etc. you need to stop and measure next to God’s truth. If your thoughts do not agree with who God is or who He says you are, then you need to stop agreeing with the thoughts.

“I stop agreeing with _______________ because it is a lie."

“In the name of Jesus, I renounce _______________ and I repent for any way I have agreed with this.” 

“Father, I ask you to break the power it has had to influence me.”

4. Ask “Father, what do you want me to believe in place of these things?”

5. Respond with a prayer of thanks, receiving God’s blessings.