Week 3 Discussion Questions

Here are the questions for discussion & response. If you're not gathering, we encourage you to journal your response or call someone to discuss!
  1. What did you hear from the sermon that speaks to you?
  2. Who is one person you can share it with?
  3. What is God calling you to do in light of His truth?

Week 2 Discussion Questions

Here are the questions for discussion & response. If you're not gathering, we encourage you to journal your response or call someone to discuss!
  1. What did God speak to you today through the sermon?
  2. Who is one person (one that sees the world differently than the way you have) that you can listen to and learn from this week?
  3. Will you reach out to this person to ask questions and just listen?

Week 1 Discussion Questions

  1. In John 17:20-23, Jesus offers a prayer for future believers to be unified. How does Jesus define "unity" and why is it so important?
  2. What is God speaking to you from this message?
  3. When it comes to politics and moving toward unity, what is a next step for you this week?