Get to know you questions

  • Question of the night: Which meal is your favorite: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
  • Where are you from? What brought you to Seattle?
  • What brought you to The Bridge tonight?
  • Do you have a spiritual or religious background? How is that working for you?

S.O.A.P. Method

What is the S.O.A.P. method? S.O.A.P. is an acronym to help you remember a way to approach any passage in the bible.
Before you start, remember to pray first! "Lord, open my eyes, ears, and heart."
S: Scripture
Read a short passage.
O: Observe
Read again and journal –
1. What do I see about God or Jesus in this passage?
2. What do I see about people? How am I like them?
3. Go deeper – what is the meaning of the passage in the larger context?
A: Apply
How is God calling me to believe or behave differently as a result of what I am seeing?
P: Pray
You may want to include giving thanks for what you’ve seen, confess and repent where necessary, and ask God for help in following him in the truth.