Welcome & Engage

Session Outline & Guidelines

Week 1: Introduction & Sharing

  • To create a safe, welcoming and fun space for participants to get to know one another, make friends and have conversations over a meal.
  • To build up each other by listening and sharing stories about their life and spiritual journey with Christ (if there is any).

Welcome & Engage Guidelines: 2:15-3:45 pM

Seating arrangement: (The circular group tables will be numbered - a fun random way to "assign seats" to avoid overcrowding, confusion and to guide new participants.)
As participants enter Cross and Crown, WE Team members will help participants draw numbers for their table. The couples have the option to have the same table or go for the random selection.
  1. Pray first (Daniel) (5 min - 2:15-2:20)
  2. Welcome & Introductions (5 min - 2:20-2:25)
  3. Snacks - Introduction & games (Facilitator) (25 min - 2:25-2:50)
  4. Sharing life journey in small groups (Facilitator) (35 min - 2:50-3:25)
  5. Pray for each other (Facilitator) (15 min - 3:25-3:40)
  6. Share the welcome booklet & Belong link, ask about any food preferences, take their phone # so you may connect with them over the week. (Facilitator, share QR code) (5 min - 3:40-3:45)
  7. Cleanup (Team) (15 min)
We have 25 minutes for snacks and introductions in small groups followed by 30 minutes of
sharing within the small groups.
  • During snacks, use the first couple of minutes to introduce yourselves to one another (see questions in section 3, facilitators go first). Facilitators, please encourage all participants to share.
  • Facilitators are also encouraged to play a game before/during the introductions. 
    • Example - what is your favorite place in PNW/ fav color/ fav animal/ 2 things you like/if you can choose to be an animal/plant/color what would you choose.

Share stories about their life and spiritual journey with Christ (please refer to the suggested questions below for sharing) and no one is forced to share. This is an invitation and encouragement to share; it is not a requirement.
  • Invite participants to take 2 minutes to share where they see themselves in the journey, if they have a story becoming a christian (life before Christ, meeting Christ, life in Christ)
  • Facilitators help start the conversation by asking for a volunteer. Please be willing to go first if needed and model humility, vulnerability, faith, etc.
  • Our goal is to welcome participants and create a friendly environment where they feel safe to share and receive from one another.
  • If your group finishes before the time is up, please be mindful of other groups who are still sharing. We encourage you to continue growing in relationship and community by praying for one another.
  • At the end of the session encourage participants to read the welcome Booklet (QR code available) and promote the resource link on ENCS App.
Questions to consider for sharing:
  • Guide to introduce yourself- name, where you grew up, how  you came to Seattle, where you live in Seattle, what you do for a living, and hobbies.
  • As a facilitator, share briefly how you became a part of ENCS and what you do as part of the church- like lead c group, teach kids, prayer team, usher, etc. AND why you wanted to engage with them- i.e. you care about helping people get connected in our church and helping people follow Jesus.
  • Questions to ask your group: What brought you to ENCS?  Are they from Seattle? What's their name and where did they grow up? What do they do? How did they come to know ENCS? How long have they been coming to ENCS?
  • Have you had any experience with Christianity?  How was your experience?
  • Where would you say you are spiritually? Do you have a relationship with Jesus?