Written By: Sarah Gordon
Peace on Earth and mercy mild,
God and sinner reconciled.
God and sinner reconciled.
Now may the Lord of Peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance! The Lord be with you all!
2 Thessalonians 3:16
2 Thessalonians 3:16
Doesn’t that sound great? Peace in every circumstance! Sign me up! How do we receive peace in our lives as this tempest of crazy circumstances that we are calling 2020 blows around us? How do we tap into the unflappable, internal, God-breathed peace that reigns when everything seems to go sideways?
Be still and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10
Psalm 46:10
We take a breath. We seek His face. We trust the Prince of Peace, the Lord of Peace Himself. When we learn to trust in His sovereignty, to trust that He truly does cause all things to work for good for those who love Him, peace comes. It can even come when we have not learned to fully trust - because His love and grace for us abound. He really is good all the time, even when we can’t see it. Even when what we are believing for does not come to pass on our timeline, His presence brings us peace.
Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.
John 14:27
John 14:27
Peace in every circumstance is not the kind of peace the world gives. Peace as the world gives is circumstantial. The kind of peace that the world gives relies on everything going according to plan. How often does that happen? Peace as the world defines means security and happiness! Everyone is doing great! No one is depressed or struggling. Our free-range, organic kids are well-behaved and doing brilliantly in school! Marriages are intimate and supportive! We all eat, sleep and exercise as we should! Cars, appliances and houses function perfectly and there is extra money in the bank! Everything is under control, nothing to see here...
Seriously, does this kind of peace actually exist? Perhaps occasionally. Peace as the world defines is about an inch deep. This kind of peace cannot withstand any kind of breeze, let alone storms like we are facing now. It is self-sufficient. We strive and exhaust ourselves pursuing this kind of peace by attempting to control our circumstances. We burn ourselves out trying to make sure everything goes right. We lose our peace trying to create peace. What happens when we fail, or there is an accident, illness, disaster or unexpected event that is out of our control? You know, like a world-disrupting pandemic. We live in a fallen world full of sin and brokenness, terrible things can happen. The kind of peace we need is the kind that can withstand that kind of turmoil. The kind of peace we need stands on the Rock, not sand.
Seriously, does this kind of peace actually exist? Perhaps occasionally. Peace as the world defines is about an inch deep. This kind of peace cannot withstand any kind of breeze, let alone storms like we are facing now. It is self-sufficient. We strive and exhaust ourselves pursuing this kind of peace by attempting to control our circumstances. We burn ourselves out trying to make sure everything goes right. We lose our peace trying to create peace. What happens when we fail, or there is an accident, illness, disaster or unexpected event that is out of our control? You know, like a world-disrupting pandemic. We live in a fallen world full of sin and brokenness, terrible things can happen. The kind of peace we need is the kind that can withstand that kind of turmoil. The kind of peace we need stands on the Rock, not sand.
Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock. Everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell—and great was its fall.”
Matthew 7:24-27
Matthew 7:24-27
What are ways in which we lose our peace?
We lose our peace when we don’t spend time with Him.
This seems like a no brainer, but I find that when my blood pressure starts to rise and everything and everyone seems to be getting on my last nerve, I realize that I have not drunk from the well of living water. I have neglected my time with Jesus. I have not spent enough time in the Word- building my faith. I have not spent enough time in thankfulness and worship- reminding myself of His faithfulness and goodness. I have not spent enough time listening and in prayer to know His heart. Jesus is my anchor. If I become unmoored- I get tossed on the waves and fed to the sharks.
We lose our peace when we get all caught up in busy-ness.
Are you too busy? Do you not have enough time in your day to get everything on your to-do list done? Perhaps, you are doing things that God is not calling you to do. Ouch. I know, that’s a kicker. God gives each of us twenty-four hours a day to accomplish His will for the day, which is plenty of time. If we are not getting it all done, maybe not everything on our list is from Him. When this happens in my own life, and I find myself frustrated and fretty, I try and take a breath and take a moment to ask God if there is something I am doing that I should NOT be doing. I am then able to repent and adjust. If you don’t know where to start, asking God to order your day is a great way to begin. (See above note on spending time with Him)
We lose our peace when the enemy of our souls gains a foothold.
We must beware of allowing lies to creep in and drive our thinking and steal our peace. We have an enemy who is actively seeking to destroy us, by any manner possible. All of us can believe lies and be convinced that we will never see change. We become afraid and seek to control our circumstances instead of trust in God. We must guard against letting unbelief seep into our souls. We must not forget who we are in Christ. We belong to Him! We must not forget that God is faithful, and we can trust that He is there for us, looking out for us, with plans to prosper and not to harm us. We need to remember! We need to remind ourselves and one another that we are in Christ and there is absolutely no circumstance that can separate us from His love.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Phillipians 4:6-7
Phillipians 4:6-7
The peace of God is SHALOM. It goes deeper than circumstantial peace, deeper than order, deeper even than “inner peace.” Shalom is the peace that brings healing and restoration into the very core of our being. This peace that passes all understanding comes from the power of the Holy Spirit working within us, because we are in Christ. It comes from Him, because our faith is in Him. Peace is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Because it is a gift, we can ask for more with prayer and thanksgiving, but we cannot conjure it, or control it or work ourselves into it. We can receive it as we press into our relationship with the Prince of Peace Himself. He is our peace. He is shalom.
The peace of God is not the absence of conflict, it is our awareness that He is with us in the midst of it all. Jesus tells us that we can expect trials and tribulation.
The peace of God is not the absence of conflict, it is our awareness that He is with us in the midst of it all. Jesus tells us that we can expect trials and tribulation.
“I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
John 16:33
He is the shalom peace that surpasses our understanding, bringing the healing and restoration that we don’t even know how to ask for, above and beyond all we can imagine or expect- even in the crazy.
This Advent, let us seek the Prince of Peace. Emmanuel, God with us. Let us rest in Him as the world rages around us. Let us ask Him to fill us with shalom peace overflowing so that we can calm the storms around us as we carry His peace into every situation and every encounter we have.
This Advent, let us seek the Prince of Peace. Emmanuel, God with us. Let us rest in Him as the world rages around us. Let us ask Him to fill us with shalom peace overflowing so that we can calm the storms around us as we carry His peace into every situation and every encounter we have.
For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake,
But My lovingkindness will not be removed from you,
And My covenant of peace will not be shaken,”
Says the Lord who has compassion on you.
Isaiah 54:10
But My lovingkindness will not be removed from you,
And My covenant of peace will not be shaken,”
Says the Lord who has compassion on you.
Isaiah 54:10
We encourage you to discuss, ponder, and/or journal the following.
Read John 16:33, Matthew 11:28-30
- Do you have peace in the midst of tribulation?
- Do you take comfort in the fact that Jesus has overcome the world? What does that mean to you?
- What does shalom look like to you? What are areas in your life that you need shalom?
- Do you bring your weariness to Christ and find rest? Or do you seek to fix it yourself?
- What are some action steps you can take to practice peace?
- Here are some suggestions:
- Disengage from the world for a few days or weeks! Turn off the news or fast from social media and see what it does for your soul!
- Use that time to sit quietly with the Lord, in prayer or worship, or reading His word, or in silence and stillness and see what THAT does for your soul!
- Ask God if there is anything you have allowed to steal your peace.
- Is there any circumstance or relationship that you are trying to control that you need to release to God?
- Pray and invite the Prince of Peace into those situations
Re-read Matthew 11:28-30
Journal what it means to you to be yoked with Jesus.
Ask Him what He thinks about being yoked with you.
Ask Him what He thinks about being yoked with you.