- What should we do for middle school and high school aged children and teenagers? Were there high school based youth Bible study groups before?
(Similar question asked: ENCS has several young families involved in the current children’s program. How will this program evolve to include middle school and high schoolers?)
Before COVID, we had full-time youth workers who were focused on developing the high school ministry and had a team of volunteers serving an outreach to Shorewood High School. It was successful and growing, and COVID shut it down.
We are currently trusting God to rebuild that ministry and provide the laborers for it. It is our hope to have full time workers dedicated to high school and middle school ministry within the next 2-3 years.
In the meantime, we are looking for leaders who have a heart for this age group and would be willing to start relationships with high schoolers and or middle schoolers.
Could that be you? Come talk to us.
There is also an opportunity for parents to open their home for fellowship activities for either high school or middle school and at least start relationship building.
Additionally, we will be addressing this in how we structure group life for youth with our Group Development Team.
- What are your thoughts about our meeting time on Sundays? Sunday afternoons are tough.
We understand that 4pm is not ideal for anyone. We chose this time so we could accommodate families with young children. It is like lukewarm water, no one really likes it. But we are all choosing to be together and this is the best time to make that doable.
While it is our hope to have meeting times that work for everyone, we recognize this is impossible. For some, Sunday afternoons are better than Sunday mornings - worship team for example doesn’t have to get to the space to warm up and practice by 7 or 8am, but, obviously it isn’t for everyone.
Once we establish ourselves in the Hub, we will work to have times that work for as many as possible. It is quite possible we will have more than one time slot to meet to provide the needed flexibility.
- Does it seem like we will have a formal women’s ministry any time soon? Anything you can share about that?
Men’s ministry and women’s ministry are a part of our relational discipleship process.
The good news is there are several women already meeting to provide space for the women in our church family to come together. This was happening months before we left the building, but the move made it impossible to plan without a secured meeting place.
Laura Eitel is currently gathering a team of women to discuss needs of women and what next steps can be taken. You will be hearing more details soon as they develop. If you are interested in being part of the team, reach out to Laura.
- Last year was heavily focused on a building. Are we doing it again? If so, what is different now? If not, how do we avoid another situation like we are in now.
I’m not sure I know what “are we doing it again?” means but I sure hope we don’t have to go through all of that again. 😅
We believe it was right to focus on the building the first year we were in it, because we thought we would be there longer, and we had to settle the space and make sure it worked for everyone.
Now we are in the process of securing a longer term lease at Hub, and working on remodeling plans to host our whole church family, kids space, etc. We are happy to be leasing from great landlords, and not owning at this time.
- Is there still any intention to go to a Home Church or Hybrid Home Church model?
We are currently putting together a Group Development Team to continue the Home Church Initiative discussion and re-design group life for our church. We will be taking at least one year to thoughtfully work on a plan and implementation. We long for a more comprehensive way for us to be the church and create Acts 2 community in our church and city. Pray for us. We are not going into this process with a predetermined outcome, but we know for sure that we will be doing group life differently in the future, in a way that empowers us to be the church more fully where we live.
- As a multi-ethnic church, could we have translation equipment for our non-English speaking members? (Spanish specifically)
YES! The equipment had already been researched just prior to our move, and it was purchased recently. We were trying to implement that in the old building but it got buried under the to-do list. Now- we need a team of people who will say “I’m available to translate”. We need to create a schedule, work to adjust the teaching pace, make a plan to get the notes ahead of time, etc. so that the translators are set up to succeed.
- How do I center myself in the word of God if I'm struggling with even wanting to read it?
This is not uncommon for people. The 1st step is pray and ask God to give you desire. The 2nd step is to ask someone to help you read it and discuss it so you become more familiar with it, and see it from someone else’s eyes. Passion is contagious, and the more you read and engage the more you will want to. It’s kind of like exercise for some people- they avoid it then love it when they do it and want more if they can just overcome the initial struggle- which is often solved by doing it with someone.
- ENCS is passionate about campus ministry and would like to be in close proximity to the campus. How do we continue to value families and their needs?
We have staffed a position on our core leadership team specifically for families and children. Angie is building a team around her to continue to serve our families, build community, and help us equip parents for the work of discipling their children. We have recently hired a part-time admin to support Angie and our ministry. Our Children and Families ministry also has a solid ministry budget to ensure ministry needs are well funded.
- I noticed the guard from C&C outside (thx for your svc). How has security changed since our move? Do ENCS folks get reg training on prep and response?
When we considered moving to C&C, we found they use a security guard for their worship gatherings just to make sure that their ushers wouldn’t necessarily have to deal with any major complicated situation. Ushers can handle simple disruptions but from time to time, C&C did encounter some challenging moments with our homeless neighbors, and believed it was best to use professionals for protection. We decided to follow their example and hire the same kind of security.
We have done some training in the past, and more than likely will do so in the future.
Are there opportunities to serve the community as a church/community group, so we can love our neighbors well?Yes. We believe in collaboration with other ministries for kingdom building and encourage local mission engagement.
Here are some of the current opportunities we are aware of (we also trust that our awareness will grow over time and we will share that info with you as we do. If you know of any, please let us know. We are always learning.)
Aurora Commons is a living room space for unhoused people. They have a clinic onsite for free doctor visits and checkups as well as social workers to connect our neighbors to resources. Beyond this, they also give out a free warm meal each day, provide basic hygiene essentials and clothes, and walk alongside our unhoused neighbors. Feel free to browse their website for more info:
www.auroracommons.org Friday Feast with Church on the Ave- This is an open meal provided for those in need in the U-District. They are looking for people to help prep and serve the meal, and to be conversation partners at tables. Individuals and community groups can sign up to serve on a Friday night.
Would we be able to have more multi-church gatherings within our city?Yes, we are currently planning a Good Friday worship gathering in partnership with Calvary Christian Assembly and another worship gathering for North Seattle churches in August or September.
Also, you can also visit other churches during the 40 days of prayer for Seattle in one of the ongoing prayer rooms hosted each week by one of the partner churches.
There are also other prayer opportunities once a month with the North Seattle Churches and with Adoration House weekly.
Why does ENCS have a separate Kids Church after worship rather than integrating children into the whole service?When we gather to worship corporately, we involve kids in the front end of our gathering so that we are singing, reading scripture and praying together. Then they are allowed to go to their class because we believe in age appropriate instruction.
In their class we provide a relational environment and age appropriate instruction for our younger ones, so that they can hear the gospel and learn about Jesus at a level they can engage and in a way that is fun.
All this is done while the adults, middle school and higher, are worshiping and learning at a level that they can engage with.
Parents are free to direct where their children will be. They can keep them in the gathering as long as they are not disruptive, or they can choose to take advantage of the ministry we are providing for their children.
I am interested in one2one. Who can I connect to?The best way to get connected is to sign up for coffee conversation or 121 in our app under “Get Connected.” Also Pastor Jovy is our Connections Pastor you can reach her at
jovy@everynationseattle.org if you would like more information.
Are we still thinking about being able to have our own place for the church to be established in Seattle?(Similar Question: What is our 12 month vision? Are we all in on the HUB? Are we going to try and buy the HUB if it goes up for sale?)
Yes we believe we need our own space 24/7 to be able to do the ministry that God has entrusted to us. The good news is that we do not have to own the space. We are looking to establish the Hub as our base of ministry. We are looking to lease the Hub space for a longer term that will give us 24/7 access to and be able to bring everything under one roof, having worship gatherings, kids ministry, community groups, discipleship courses, etc..
We have been approved for a solid 5 year lease with the option to extend.
We have also been approved for expanding our space, adding 2 units which amount to around 2000 sq ft. We are currently negotiating the pricing for this.
It is unlikely that we will ever own this space. The current owners are planning to develop the property years down the road. It is not our forever home, but we are happy to make use of this space for the next 5 years plus.
We have architects that are drawing up plans now and once the lease is set, we will be choosing the plans and renovations that make the most sense financially and practically to meet our needs as a church. We look forward to sharing that with you as soon as we have them.
We will begin renovations as soon as we can to ensure a timely move into the new space.