Work Parties

Packing | Moving | Cleaning

As we prepare to move out of the building, we are organizing a few work parties to pack, move, and clean. You'll find the details of what to expect at each work party will look like below.

Please fill out the form below to let us know how you're able to help!

Oct 9 - 12:30-4:30 pM

Packing up day! We'll be packing up some of our items to move to storage.
After our gathering, we'll take a break for folks to grab lunch, then get to work. We will provide snacks on this day!

Oct 23 - 12:30-4:30 PM

Packing up and moving day! We'll be packing up everything else and moving things to storage.
After our gathering, we'll take a break for lunch - pizza provided!

Oct 29 - 9 AM-12 PM

Moving day! We'll be moving everything else out of the building.
Thanks to our Men's Ministry for heading up this moving day! Breakfast provided!

Oct 30, after our gathering

Final clean-up day! After our potluck brunch and last gathering in the building, we'll finish cleaning up and clearing out the building.

Let us know how you can help!